

Muddy Little Secrets was a true labor of love and still is. It has been picked up, put down, revised, revamped, assigned pen names, shut down and resurrected! It’s like it has 9 lives or something!! The backstory is that I felt God telling me to put my story in writing back in 2011. I, just like Jonah, did not head to the call and pushed this aside for many years until I could not ignore the feelings any longer. I then enlisted one of my dearest childhood friends to partner with me to share two true stories of the women who look like they have it all together on the outside all the while falling apart on the inside book called “Muddy Little Secrets”. This book is our personal journeys of victim to Victory and tragedy to Triumph. It’s deep, it’s disturbing, it’s funny and it’s real.

We only self published a few hundred for the Reclaimed Speaking Event in 2014 and then donated about 50 to the Pregnancy Crisis Centers and local charities. I do have a few books left in my personal inventory if you are a hands on reader and not an e-reader. For the rest of you, we have the e-book still on Amazon for those who missed out on the hard copies.

Amazon Kindle